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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 1, 2020, #260

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org While most are understandably focused on the societal changes that have taken place in recent months, existential background threats are being almost completely overlooked. Distracting populations from dire and immediate environmental threats serves

Climate Records Shattered in 2013

Source: Yahoo! News If global warming could be compared to middle-age weight gain, then Earth is growing a boomer belly, according to a newly released report on the state of the global climate. http://www.albanydailystar.com/science/according-to-michio-kaku-humanity-when-reached-galaxies-we-will-find-many-extinct-alien-civilization-15643.html

  1. You can kinda tell who's going to "get it" and who won't.  The problem I have with proselytizing is that it starts to feel like an evangelical vocation.  No one much likes having things forced down their throat, even if it is the awful truth.  I only talk about geoengineering with the people I'm pretty sure have noticed that everything is somehow just not right.  Otherwise it is a waste of time and in doing something that amounts to a kind of political action, it's about making connections, not enemies.  I've seen people I know here who have been very active in waking the public up via letters to the editor, prepared statements at city hall meetings, etc. demonstrate just how ineffective they actually are when engaged in actual conversation with real people.  There's one I'm thinking of who actually behaved towards me as if I were somehow The Enemy, wanting to do all the talking, all the ranting, and really NEVER any of the listening– WHY?  You know, you gotta be as wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove.

  2. Hello Dennie, almost anyone will accept an informtional flyer if it is passed on with very few words (and in a relaxed fashion). I always carry flyers with me and when an appropriate situation justifies passing one on, I simply say, ” Many researchers are trying to alert the public to the fact that climate engineering programs are going on without any environmental impact reviews or oversight.” I continue with ” This flyer will give more details, nobody is trying to sell anything, this issue is non-political, we are simply trying to alert the population to an issue of critical importance that is not being disclosed by the government or mainstream media.” This approach has proven very effective in most cases.

  • Just had a volley of comments with a friend on FB, after posting the Collier mag article. He stated and I quote: "I'm very alarmed to find a person as intelligent as you getting duped by this kind of nonsense."

      He argued that geoengineering has been thoroughly "debunked" by Scientific American and "Skeptical Inquirer". Etc. Etc. We are talking about a person who is already virulently opinionated about a whole lot of things and now he has added "geoengineering" to his hit-list. How do you deal with this brand of idiocy? "When you argue with a fool it's hard to tell the difference." That's how I deal with it. Move on. Plant the seed. If the seed falls on sterile ground, so be it. The truth of all this will be widely known soon enough. And even if this friend of mine never arrives at an understanding of the truth of what has been done by the geoengineers for 70 years, it doesn't matter. His ignorance is of no concern to me. But I must pose the question: How incomprehensibly absurd is it that, even as my friend stands up tall and mocks me for being duped by this "conspiracy theory" (zzzzz-yawn), his very own body is filling up with heavy metals or worse, and jets continue up to this very minute spraying millions of pounds of nano-soup right over his denying head? Unbelievable.

    1. Gee, do you think he would also deny that the Fukushima tsunami and earthquake were initiated by a massive, scientifically documented burst of intense EMF/ULF on the days prior to, and on, 3/11/11? Ha!

    2. I know what you mean Marc. I have friends who are supposedly smarter than me argue that this is not real. Some say if they are really doing it it is for a good reason. I have noticed that where I live the spraying has intensified the last year. It seems they are doubling down on their efforts and I know we are almost out of time and these blind souls will find out just how bad this really is if we cannot stop it

    3. I hear you.  Even friends that are open to the GMO and poisoning of our food, a pill and vaccination for every ill, fluoride tossed and the economic and financial collapse going on, they seem to hit the emergency brake when chem-trails are mentioned.  I guess I handle it by documenting with pictures what I see in my own skies, asking them if they even remember what a blue sky looks like and challenging them to give ME some facts to prove me wrong. They can't.    Most still don't get it.   It is just to scary for them to think about.  My thoughts is to prepare for them also.  We are going to have to stick together.  Believers and non-believers alike. 

    4. Just plant the seed. If you plant it on a infertile, rock-hard surface you will reap no harvest. I have pointed-out the spraying in the skies to a brilliant man with his Doctorates in Chemical Engineering, and asked him while pointing up at expanding chemtrails: "What is that crap they're spraying in the sky?" He looked up, shrugged his shoulders and replied: "I never even noticed… that's just jet contrails I suppose".   WYF? People are just so caught-up in their professions and daily life that they have lost touch with the reality of what's happening around them. I gave up on trying to wake people up, because when SHTF day arrives, the people that you tried to wake up will blame you for having a part in making the Conspiracy happen… you had knowledge about it; therefore, it's your fault for letting it happen and responsible for the consequences. They will blame everything except their ignorance.

    5. My accumulated knowledge and experiences in overcoming a sociopath has given me the strength and wisdom to politely and boldly proclaim what is REVELATION reality to me. The narcissit or sociopath lives in a FALSE SENSE OF REALITY. Regardless of their socioeconomic status. A rich, educated man can be just as confused as a poor, uneducated man. I love when I look in the face of a great falling away 501.c.3 executive/elder/pastor/what have you and use the very same Book of knowledge they just misused to STAND FIRM AS I DECLARE, DEFEND, AND DISPLAY THE TRUTH AT ALL COSTS. That usually really pisses them off and makes them try to bully me by ganging up on me with even more lies to cover up their inadequacy. God forbid I have something impotant to share thst they dont see or do see but are trying to hide under a bushell basket of lies. But then, I have a great commission and calling that I do not profit a dime from. . .WAKE UP! LOOK UP! 

    6. For Dawnski

      Hey, me too!  28 years of belittlement and abuse.  And I also survived with a thinking brain while he still wallows in his self glory.  I am glad I am where I am at.

    7. I am not a fan of the "self help section." That being said, it can be helpful when forced to deal with really difficult people. I read a few texts about how to deal with narcissists, and that has been very useful in my social life. But, honestly I wouldn't worry too much about a single individual (although once someone gets under your skin that is really tough.) We need to touch base with the people that we can reach, and not waste time on people we can't. There are more intelligent people out there than we are led to think. Keep strong. Keep honest. 

  • Hello Dane,do you have any information and references on wether the same thing is happening in Europe at the moment in terms of engineered snow storms etc?I know there is an abundance of video's and such of nucleated snow not melting upon exposure to heat,but I am receiving information and photo's from the mediterranean region with unusual snow levels and extreme cold where their summers have been record shattering hot every year.

    1. Hello Sezer, the chemical ice nucleation assault is occuring all over the globe. https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/the-engineered-winter-deception-chemical-ice-nucleation/

    2. I have traveled to many countries and seen the chemtrails in all of these countries except one.  President Correa of Ecuador has stated that there are no chemtrails in Ecuador.  I have read that Vilacabamba in southern Ecuador, near Peru has had some sightings, but nothing north of there.  I recently made a trip to the highlands of Ecuador.  I can say, it was refreshing to not see them, to enjoy real cloud formations, Also, overall, my body felt better for not being around so many chemicals and EMF waves. I just returned last week.  I live in Southern California.

    3. sezer, this was brought to my attention, several years ago by a friend, who happens to live near the Alps in Italy. My family and friends in Europe are fully aware of it. Since then I've taking so many pictures of the constant spraying, that I can wallpaper my entire house with it.

  • Makes me wonder what all this weather whiplash is doing to agriculture; this whiplash must be stressful for plants and animals. It got so warm this December trees started budding and blossoming. My friend in DC told me the same happened there. Then we get these engineered, sudden cold snaps. Here in TX this past month 40,000 cattle died during the engineered snowstorm Goliath…. And this coming on the heels of an imminent economic collapse. Productive animals are dying. The environment is becoming more inhospitable to native vegetation. And we're being sprayed with heavy metals and nanoparticles that are undoubtedly affecting our health and cognition. Almost seems like the perfect storm brewing….

    1. My thoughts exactly.  What is this doing to our agriculture…FOOD?  I love my garden.  I spend my summer tending it, cherishing mother earth for enough food to last me all winter long.  I posted the question once on another site, questioning if growing our food from heritage seeds, never ever tossing chemicals to achieve truly organic food while the chemicals rained down on us.  Can that produce be considered CLEAN?  I got nothing but negative comments.  I am still trying to figure out why not one person questions this.  Too scary I guess.

    2. Hello Tag, you have already come to the correct conclusion, all is now tainted with the toxic fallout from the climate engineering assault. Many are already aware of this fact, and more awaken every day.

    3. …and not only were the trees and shrubs acting as if spring had sprung…I watched two cardinals in my backyard teaching thier fledgling to fly…just before Christmas.  (In far western Ky on the Tennessee border)

    4. Last spring and summer we had healthy young female livestock drop dead from no apparent reason. the vet said they were genetically flawed. The moment they started eating grass as browsers should they developed ulcers in the stomach and quit eating. many of them simply bleed to death inside. what the heck is in the grass? what has happened to it that it causes sudden death?

      the deer have been getting something they call 'blue tongue'. that is fallacy as what it really means is the deer are bleeding to death inside from eating grass. yet another browser drops dead. 

      i do know that only the young females were affected. the males seemed unaffected. though what it does to their fertility is unknown. this is in goats and sheep. a neighbor who raises cows said they had a high mortality rate in calves. some still born others just didn't survive the first few days. not sure what happens after they start grazing. 

      so yes. these chemically induced snows and rains do affect the animals. the livestock eat the grass that is coated with them and bleed internally. 

      some of our animals would hay and refuse to eat grass in the pasture. pretty amazing. and deliberate as well i think. it isn't a coincidence. it is by design. 



  • I posted this message along with pictures of the sky above my home on my facebook account today: "Pictures taken above my home today at 0400pm as the Climate Engineering assaults continue day after day after day. An unbelievable amount of toxic heavy metal aerosols were deployed today as witnessed on my drive from Detroit to my homestead in Bruce. The sky was completely covered from horizon to horizon on the 40 mile trek. As you know this material falls to earth where it ends up in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. Go to geoengineeringwatch.org and learn what all of us are being subjected to without our knowledge or consent. Your government is poisoning you and your loved ones and has been for many years but now they are doubling down as their illegal activities are being exposed. Make your voice heard and join the fight to stop this completely illegal and immoral activity. TAC" Just trying to get the word out but not sure if anyone reads or cares about this. I never receive any comments or questions on the postings. When they are spraying this heavy it really pisses me off to no end. I tried to contact the MI Senators today but their offices were shut down due to the latest Geoengineered snow storm. Waiting to hear what is happening with the Geoengineeringwatch.org legal team. Hoping that some sort of precedent and cookie cutter legal action can be established and Michigan attorneys join the fight. I am going to write the Michigan environmental protection agency and start a paper trail with them also. Dane is there anything people should start doing in preparation for the legal battle. I have about 10 water samples showing aluminum, barium and strontium in the rain, snow and pond water. I also have receipts of letters I sent to both senators and a letter from the pentagon Air force Chief of staffs office denying any involvement in Climate Engineering. Do you think these documents will be useful at some point?

    1. Hello Thomas, yes, the lab tests of the spraying contamination taken by the public will certainly soon be of use. We hope that the template our legal team is putting together can then be utilized in states all over the country. More announcments coming soon.

    2. My brother-in law works for the EPA.  Whenever I mention the spraying to him he pretends like he knows nothing and those are just con trails to him.  Conversation closed.  Even though he sees the chems in the skies, he cannot and will not discuss it, or he says he will talk to the guys upstairs and then I never hear another word about it from him.  It is as if he is gagged from speaking about it.  He is in charge of making sure the water is not contaminated in his state, but he refuses to acknowledge that the chems have anything to do with it.

    3. Thomas BM, Presume you mean 4pm or 1600hrs, rather than 4am or 0400hrs…!!

      Either way, well done you and keep posting. 

    4. Yes, we must put together Grand Juries to unbiased investigation and educate the people of the how to of law. Be sure to be like a forensic team and document with witnesses and accompanying affidavits to every piece of evidence and be sure to make many copies an put in many places which no one knows about and then publish. Create a group of at least 20 people who will download videos and then when they are taken down the next one of the people uploads it. experience has show that after ten times they stop taking it down.

          Under 18 USC 4 Misprison of feloney one must "make known to some judge or other officer of the United States" of any criminal activity "cognisable of a court of the United States". I use that to notice "make known to some judge or officer of the United States" and then remind them that if I had failed to do so I could be charged and "imprisoned not more than 3 years" so then now that they have been "made known" of these crimes "cognisable of a court of the United States" (in which put the laws which are being broken and even some case law which binds them), that if they fail to perform and take appropriate action that at the lesst they are looking at the same three years.

        I use the phrase "So that I may not be charged under 18 USC 4 Misprision of felony, I am here to make known to you "some judge or officer of the United States" of crimes cognizable of a court of the United States, including but not limited to 18 USC 241, 242, 471, 472, 473, 474, Art III section 1, Art. VI, Amendment I,II, IV, V, VI, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVII, XXIV,  XXVI,  (of course use the ones you are pointing to and have knowledge of and or evidence of.

          Certified Mail along with a copy of the tracking from the internet along with an affidavit notarized (have a witness as well, "Having no evidence to the contrary and to the best of my knowledge, information and belief under pains of perjury the under signed states that the foregoing are true and correct." (look up various forms of Jurats) and be sure to have the page which identifies each page document and so forth and always number them 1 of 12 2 of 12 and so forth at the bottom and have the signature and jurat page as part of the document page numbers,  is sufficient evidence… Not sure if there is a way to make a record of some sort other than create a case and continue to put documentation and evidence as you continue to request discovery of documents which you know they will delay, deny, motion to prevent and all sorts of things adn then get a Declaratory Judgment as to the Fact of the evidence on the record which has gone un-rebutted. Look up "negative averments" and do like they do when they want to steal property by publishing for three weeks in the local paper, requesting anyone with evidence to the contrary to come forth. and of course mail out copies to averyone who is in a position to do or is required to do something about it and will not. Again time stamping it and using a Notary or other third party to verify that no mail has been received by affidavit again (this process will became second nature after awhile, just pretend that you will be called a liar on everything but you will be able to produce substantial real evidence to the contrary. Today you can do to the post office and do all the certified mail via a machine after hours adn have a receipt.)

         Make contact with others who will support and give feedback, process and procedures that work. And always be aware of shills, trolls adn contelpro agents as well as idiots who talk a lot but do nothing. Give them an assignment, if they fail to perform then they are not part of the team and only an energy sucker and attention grabber, let them mop the floor, sort paper, run errands to get them out of your hair and still be even slightly useful or just tell them "thank you very much, but we can not take time withe those that do not perform an actual function or service.

        The whole thing is Stratigy…… you must have one .. they do …. and then implement it. It is a 9 inning game a 4 quarters play, a 15 round bout, not a tweet!!!! Every action taken in Court creates a record, you will not win!! You ae not there to win,!!! you are there to create a record of the courts collusion against the law and the people. Put objections in writing get everything stamped by the  clerk then turn around and get a certified notarized gold raised seal stamped copy for your records to use when they tamper with the file and keep an electronic record as stated above.

        Begin studying RICO and 42 USC 1983 for which you will be using the evidence collected along the way to show a "pattern of activity" over a years period that exhibits the existence and the perpetrators of the criminal enterprise. And the evidence that it is a "policy or the state" and its actors/agents to act in this manner in contravention of their oath of office, the State laws, adn the USC and the various Constitution and that you noticed them so they can not say they did not know (see 18 USC 4 strategy above).

         When ever possible try to use C/O in front of the mailing address and do not use your home address, be prepared for the attacks of your character and false charges and other dirty dealings. It is a good Idea to get a "clean bill of health" from the police departments and other agencies so that you cn again evidence that their assaults began as a direct result of you taking lawful adn justified action on behalf of the people. And it goes without saying, that you want to be stealthy, not bravdo, not yelling, confrontational, and most definitely not spouting or teaching as you go!!!!! It is difficult I know but you will only paint a target on your front and back and they will resist your every move. Be like them except a lamb in wolves clothing. Pretend that you are gathering evidence to rebut idiot patriot myth bullshit, conspiracy dumb asses. And you can't wait to shut them up with these records. You MUST appear to be as one of them even in your filings.. just the FACTS… all to many times people blow their whole Motion by ranting at the beginning… you want to slowly Pixel by Pixel, paint a picture which they will agree with each pixel but not the brawd strokes. slowly and methodically brick by boring fact brick, evidence, un-refuted assertions, use of their own records, piece by piece, law, code and statute, case law after case law, point by point one at a time not two no "and", just point for point.

      1. the sky at 3 pmE was clear. (see picture exhibit 14)

      2. At 3:15 pmE there appeared  jet trail "g". (see exhibit 16)

      3. At 3:45 pmE the jet trail had expanded into a cloud line (see exhibit 17)

      4. At 3:25 pm E  jet trail "h" appeared in the same sky crossing the previous trail (see exhibit 17)


      27. At 4:45 pmE the sky was completely covered with these expanded jet trails.

      28. At 2:30 pmE jet "a" passes overhead leaving a diminishing contrail  (see exhibit 8)

      29. At 2:45 pmE jet "b" passes overhead leaving a diminishig contrail (see exhibit 9)


      and so forth, Fact by simple Fact No conclusions!!!  Let the FACTS speak for themselves, Paint pictures pixel by pixel, fact by fact which must be refuted each and every one in order to dispute the obvious.

      Hope this helps.

  • Thank you again Dane for getting all this information put together for us, so that we may as a whole make greater efforts at putting a stop to this wickedness in our skies. Here is a link to a discussion on reddit about this very issue. They even had a couple of scientists doing an AMA on this, answering questions.
    Reddit is a large active community, that is a very mixed bag, but unfortunately quite ignorant on the subject of geoengineering. I hope some people from here will be able to go and help enlighten some of the people there, because I think there is a lot of potential for the word to get out through that site, as it is a popular info hub of the internet.

  • Has anyone noticed on their local news channels the weather people are now calling (what used to be referred to as "partly sunny" or "partly cloudy")  FILTERED SUN?  HUH?  I have seen our white milky sky days called "filtered" on several channels.  I am in NW Ohio and we have had 1 day so far this Jan where the sky was blue.  We also haven't had a 1/2 inch of snow this winter and days in Dec. saw the 60's several times.  Our weather is manipulated just like the east coast is getting now and California has gotten for years.  

    1. The obvious collusion between mainstream media outlets and their interlocking directorates in defense, banking, big-pharma, university systems and science & technology by consensus, is an intelligence game pitting David against Goliath. Guess who's forced to wear the blindfold? We remain focused with our eyes on the ball, blindfold or not. The game is not over, yet.

  • Thank you Dane for keeping us informed.  I am in the Blue Ridge mountains and I tell my family not to let their kids eat the snow and they call me a conspiracy theorist.  Their kids went out today and ate a bunch of it.  Being from the west coast and now living here is a real culture shock.  The ignorance and the lack of wanting to know is mind boggling.  They just say only God can make weather and are completely shut down to any idea that this could be going on.  What is a person to do?  We can try to share the info but closed minds that are dominated by fluoridated water and fundamentalist beliefs are hard to penetrate.  The skies yesterday looked like a checkerboard and it falls on deaf ears.  It is really frustrating.

    1. My sympathies!  I too am a Virginian.  Returning a few years ago for a several weeks vacation, it quickly occurred to my why I moved to California.  Closed minds predominate. Mention any topic not sponsored by MSM and suddenly you have two heads.

    2. KC, find books on this and download stories from Dane's site. Show them and read everything you can.

    3. It's not just in your beautiful area of the Blue Ridge Mts.  (I love Virginia!)  Denial is everywhere.  I'm the kind of person that IF I don't know something and want all the facts, I look at both sides and try to find truth.  Common sense should play a part, but sadly common sense doesn't exist anymore.  I'm always up for a conversation on any subject and willing to listen to others thoughts and beliefs if different from mine.  BUT PLEASE offer some real knowledge or facts, not opinions soaked up by believing the MSM.  Yes it is hard.  People just don't want to listen, explore the possibility things are not perfect or give up that sense of (false) security they are comfortable with. 

  • Hello Dane and commenters,
    Dane, I tried repeatedly to get an email to you, that I bumped my eye in early December and temporarily set back my vision recovery.  Hence the stoppage of the translation effort.  Just this past week I am having great improvement.  Only that I still need someone to proofread for me.  My husband proofs my English typing (I once typed for a living so that's not dependent on eyesight) but he can't help me proof Spanish. I now have several of your articles translated – handwritten.  But I can't always make out small details like accents.  So if anyone reading this – preferably a native speaker – could proof my typed translations of these articles into Spanish I would be forever grateful.  Ask admin here to get us in touch if you're out there.
    Also I want to thank many of you for your feedback on my comments. We don't have internet yet (although that may change very shortly) and often ;by the time I read the responses the articles are many days old.  Please don't think it hasn't been appreciated just because you don't hear back from me.  Hubby has had to read everything aloud to me for the past six weeks.  Now I am getting my focus back and hope to be more in touch.  

    1. Always good to hear from you Horsegirl, glad you are doing better.

      Thank you Dane, loved the article.

  • Dane W,
    I really appreciate the fact that you got it right with the made up weather as a distraction, and as a destruction.  How about  as a diversion.?  This is so horrible that we breath in these nano powder which ruin our health. This weather is a force multiplier alright.  It can induce wind speed, storm, hurricane into destructive forces.  What a mad world.  Be careful out there.  We need people like you around.

  • RIP Christmas Crocus. I'm so sorry the wicked block of ice busters killed your premature joy. Please try again when it really is Spring. . .

    1. The weather channel & AccuWeather have 28* listed continually for temp. It has been 36* most of the day. Now 32*. I grew up in Wisconsin. Many a wicked blockbuster blizzard under my belt. This storm is tame lame in comparison. Just annoying tiny little ice pellets. Liar liar pants on fire. . .

    1. Like Mary Beth said, they have been spraying like crazy over NJ. Wednesday was an all out assault getting ready for the "snow".

  • Hi Dane,

     I've noticed for a few years now that one of the consistently coldest areas noted on the yearly temperature maps is still a huge area in the ocean between the UK,Greenland and North America, colder even than the East Coast US. In fact, in the latest map, it is listed as 'record coldest'. Is this where the now familiar UK Winter storms are originating and what is being done to the Gulf Stream ?  

    1. Hello AllyL, the massive amoung of meltwater pouring off of Greenland is one factor to consider, the attached link elaborates on other possible considerations. https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/are-the-climate-engineers-attempting-to-shut-down-the-gulf-stream/

  • Is it true, that the chemicals being used in the geo engineering, are nano particles which have been inhaled by every human, and can be activated at their timing to destroy the human beings via disease or any thing these sick sick people want to do…

    1. Hello Trixie, though “electronically activated biotechnology” could be some part of the equation, the bottom line is this, we know from extensive lab testing that the breathable air column is saturated with the highly toxic climate engineering fallout.

  • the military government are such hypocrites.  while the epa efforts to 'keep our water clean' is enforced, the snow and rain are loaded with toxic substances.  hypocrites all.  dare i say liars (?)
    And what really, really bothers me is that they don't care about poisoning us.  i really don't understand these people.  
    I know, I know, they are military pilots, just following orders.  but good lord, they are poisoning humanity.  
    I just don't understand the 'control to exploit' syndrome.  this concept doesn't resonate with me.
    Life is a wonderful experience. one of my most pleasant enjoyments is to look up at the sky, through some leafed out trees, admiring and appreciating the contrast between the two.  it's most lovely and something i treasure.  
    What a wonderful world, when man let's go of control, and just allows each of us to enjoy life.

    1. My post is an attempt to be positive, while the topic is just so depressing.  
      I want them to stop and I want it stop NOW!

  • My morning fun here on the Olympic Peninsula:
    I was deep into the Rig Veda when the phone rang and my local WiFi provider called. I asked him about EMF sensitivity and he gave me the usual answers, but said he felt it at times himself. So I asked him if he thought the Navy’s electronic warfare EW was having any impact on his business. He then began to tell me that he was a ‘navy brat’ and actually knew some of the people involved and had in fact worked on some of the radio-frequency/microwave technology – of course nothing secret – and that it was completely safe because it was pin-point directed. I then mentioned my photographs and how I had evidence that the sky was being chemtrailed and rf/microwaved. Also that I had photos of the particulate/fibers. He then assured me in the same old patronizing tone that there are no chemtrails – only contrails!

    Up until that moment he must have thought he was just talking to some sweet old lady (which I am!) who was hanging on his every word impressed that he knew the Navy people. But I told him that he could never convince me that there are no chemtrails and that I had photographic evidence.  I asked him if it was OK to send him my photos and he said yes, but a cold chill ran through the phone line, a icy-silence. Feeling his reluctance to be further caught out bragging to the wrong person, I cheerfully thanked him for his honesty and said good-bye. I then sent him my photos, including the particulate/fibers now at the Carnicom Institute and three links to articles by GEW Dane on the contrail deception. Hah!

  • Dear Mr Putin, How long until you can nuke the HAARP arrays ? Please do so quickly !
    BTW… D.C. could use another DEEP fishin hole somewhere around 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

    1. ironside — the Russians invented HAARP and are still at it, perhaps even more advanced than the western technology. Excerpts from Tom Bearden on the Russian version of HAARP known as ‘Woodpecker’ because of the sound it made:    http://www.cheniere.org/misc/woodpeckersound.htm
      large TR [time-reversed] wave interferometer weapons, such as the Woodpecker systems, usually first produce very powerful, scalar EM "standing wave" beams by continuously transmitting (in the beam) both a normal EM wave and its phase conjugate, modulated (locked) together to produce a "zero EM vector resultant" electrogravitational (EG) wave.  Interference of two of these scalar EM beams in the targeted area, plus internal scanning within the beam by other signals, allows EM effects – of either normal EM energy or time-reversed EM energy – to be produced and controlled at very precise locations within the broad interference area.
      Each such huge "scalar EM standing wave" beam represents a gigantic electrogravitational standing wave, and hence a giant oscillating potential in spacetime.  This standing wave represents a sort of gigantic "capacitor", or accumulator of infolded energy.  Enormous energy may be collected in this potential, charged-up over a period of time.  "Shortout" of this giant capacitor – by transmitter failure – can result in a large flash-over discharge of the EG energy into the local earth, producing a massive EG ground wave that can be enormously destructive.

    2. Yes, winter storm Jonas is another "Show of Force" by the Geoengineers.  Carefully crafted to cripple and deceive.

      As Dane pointed out, the storm originated in the South. The LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM moved NE slowly, accompanied by another unusual M3.0 seismic event in West Virginia last Sun.
      The artificial creation of a low pressure area is KEY to begin sucking massive amounts of sub-tropical moisture towards the target area.

  • What about the waves/frequency that came out of Argentina (maybe from a closed Nuclear facility)?
    They had a lot of animal deaths close by (off Chile coast).
    Could that have caused it?

  • Southern California – L.A. area bombardment going on daily & heavily,  and lower than they usually are.  We get forecast of rain,  then the actor meteorologists change it back to sun and "clouds".  I see huge storms on radar out in Pacific headed right for us,  then suddenly they only go to the north where it's flooding.  I guess they are trying to keep us in the drought.  I have a sign in back window of car with some photos & "look up,  wake up" and this website printed.  I hope it helps to wake up some people who see it, since it is eye-catching.   Of course it's low enough for me to see out the back,  so police don't have an excuse to pull me over!   Thank you Dane for all your work and excellent explanations of their methods.   God help us all to stop these demons from killing the planet and us with it.

    1. I too have made a sign to watch    Project Lucy in your face /YouTube
      and placed it in the back of my Van … Hoping  to wake some up .

    2. I've noticed the same. My fiancé gets really upset with me as I look this stuff up. This is so depressing. Today had a 50% chance of rain and as I've been looking up in the sky's the last few days I see more trails following planes more than I've ever seen. All flying north/south. I'm normally a non believer of "chemtrails" but after the 50% chance of rain disappeared it leave you to wonder. 

      God bless this world!! 

  • All out, here in southeast NJ. Skies clear (as usual) at 5 AM, as dawn approached around 6:30 AM and the skies were just beginning to brighten, massive amounts of chemtrail planes, all over the skies. At 7 AM, HAARP/ELF turned all the way up, making me so ill, could not go to work and the chemclouds were turned into solid white skies.  Hearing planes overhead constantly all day, but cannot see them.  The original chemtrail planes in the early AM could be seen, but not heard, they were flying so high above.  Now, after the skies were turned solid white, I can hear the planes (so they must be much lower) but cannot see them.  Obviously, they are up just above this artificial layer, doing more and more.  When the light from the sun tries to shine through, the planes are heard again, and the sun is once again dimmed, and ever so slight glow and I get this bone chilling cold run thru me.  Sunday's very light snow coverage finally melted off our woodern dock, that had been "painted" with marine grade stain, now looks like it had been covered in paint remover, all flaking/peeling.  Yet underneath our patio table and chairs, that is covered by weather proof tarp, it completely fine.  The other area's that have with hit with toxic rains/snow/frost, where the stain was already off, the wood is now rotting away.  I have lived here for 15 years, the house built in the mid 80's, never have I seen such a denegration of all horizontal surfaces.  The vertical or covered surfaces, perfectly intact. Last year, we had to replace the vinyl siding on our house, because it was flaking and peeling.  Vinyl siding flaking and peeling…come on, we are not taking paint/stain.  Black mold on roof tops that face the what is left of the sunlight, with no over hanging trees?  Pale yellow horizons?  This morning at dawn, the skies glowed pink in the south and the west.  As Dane says, how much more proof do we need?  We are dealing with minions of these "entities" held in some kind of trance or form of transhumanism.  We are taught this behavior is childish, but I believe this is the wrong term, in this upside down world.  They are not children or child like, they are dinosaurs, trying to hold onto power.  The dinosaurs, who's minds were so manipulated, they actually believe the narrative and force their beliefs onto the world, in even aspect, from mankind to microbe.  These minions, so jaded, so individually "helpless", lazy, dependent on the external, instead of what is internal.  Have sold their souls to the devil, and thru their so called treaties, regulations, executive orders, etc, try to bond us as collateral to this/they entities.  In effect, selling the sovereign free will earth dwellers, under their (minions) false representation of the People/plant/fauna/fora.  There should never be a government anywhere on this planet.  A very hard lesson to learn, "God" takes care of those that help themselves.  Please do not make this political, left/right.  If we go back and help ourselves, instead of relying on the "government", we take our power back…going to try to attach this comment from our seemingly "eternal" one.

    Quote by Henry Kissinger: “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.”

    1. kenny, as I have been shoveling this heavy ice off of my sidewalk and stairs stoop, which is painted brown, there is a brownish color that has seeped in to the snow/ice. I was wondering what the heck was going on. But your observations validate what I have seen. It's eating the paint right off of my stair stoop. Lord have MERCY!
      I am in the center of the weather map that shows where the highest ice accumulation is supposed to be. Just north of Charlotte, NC. The words that the media and even the school announcement used are "Wicked" and "Blockbuster" Winter Storm.  
      I thought it interesting that the highest percentage of ice for this storm is in the heavily populated area of Charlotte, which is where the Blockbuster Broadway Play "WICKED" is playing Jan. 1-31. They even used the same language in the blurb on their website. 
      Back by “Popular” demand. Variety calls WICKED "a cultural phenomenon!" Winner of over 100 international awards, including a Grammy and three Tony Awards, WICKED is “Broadway’s biggest blockbuster” (The New York Times).

    2. Sensei Dane,
      Thank you for getting this out so quickly today. I find your indepth reports so helpful in maintaining clarity. As your "Grasshopper" student I am most appreciative of your excellent teachings!

      Wax On! Wax Off!

  • Hi Dane, I came across a article about the supposed AF tanker pilot, and Idigo Sky, any truth to this story, and have you guys ever tested for radiation readings from the spraying.

    Thanks for all you do, I’m trying my best to wake others up.

  • When will people realize that the sun never comes out anymore? About the time it gets a bit brighter in the sky and the sun almost coming out, look up and we see the tanker planes spewing their "persistent" contrails that completely obscure the sunlight again. The morning sun is never allowed to come out. Every living organism that requires sunshine is feeling the strain, including US. If genocide is the objective here than it won't be much longer.

    BTW. What are the chemicals they spray for ice nucleation?

    1. Hello Carol, though we cannot know the full composition what is being sprayed as ice nucleating agents, the attached link will shed some light. https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/engineered-snowstorms-what-are-they-spraying/

    2. If you, or rather we, anyone out there, could find an honest chemist with access to a reasonably well-equipped lab (a college chem lab for undergraduates, e.g.), they could easily determine the chemical composition of the – for want of a better term – snow.  Any college students taking chemistry could propose doing the analysis as a senior project.  It may be harder to find anyone above that level of education who is willing to help.  I'm sure there are people already who are collecting samples of this "snow", although the chemical composition probably changes some over time so the freshest possible sample would be best.

      Of course, as Dane has mentioned, there are probably several different poisonous brews used.

    3. They have been spraying heavy over here in Southern California the past 2-3 weeks. Except for the two storms we had early this month, all the other storms have been tracking north, from the central to northern CA.

      Seems like most every day is a milky cloudy haze from the constant spraying. Last week I saw three planes in formation spraying. One in front, two others behind to the right. I had never seen that before.

    4. Penny, Gracious sakes! That is one the most profound and achievable ideas on a tangible level I have heard in a VERY long time. It ain't the ones that are written in stone or encrusted in stone that will find "our" way out of this mess. (Please refer to Einstein there). These days I am old, however there was a day when all it took was an over confident engineer to tell me, " you can't do that!", several times those engineers came to work on monday and had the process laid in their lap and a copy sitting on the CEO's desk. I have a serious dislike for the word "can't"….
      To anyone "young" or old if you don't know, please look up the term "Maverick".

  • I'm at 3500' in  western NC and for the past 3 nights between 1130 pm and 130 am heard the jets overhead.  So even while we have complete obliteration of the sky, the spraying is going on at higher levels ahead of the "storm".  We had a brief  break in the blanket of cloud cover on 1/21 around 1230 PM and I saw the stripes before the "blanket" covered all up again. I knew I was hearing the laying down of the aeosols to make this storm as  heavy as possible. The snow is very wet this AM as compared to the brief  "rehearsal" we had 2 days ago when a shovel full was airy light.Today, a shovel full is a potential heart attack. I collected rain in November after spraying and got positive results for aluminum, barium and strontium. I will collect this snow today. Thanks for all you do, Dane.

    1. Hi Alida,
      I am down south, near Lake Norman. This slushy, icy fake snow is like concrete. I hear what you are saying about a heart attack. I shovel hourly to keep a safe exit out of my home, in order to prevent us from having a week long melt of hazardous, inches thick snoment (snow/cement). I hear those planes too once they have their blanket in place. Helicopter activity was loud the other day too. 
      Be Safe! 

  • Again the insanity continues of denial playing God by the minions of lucifer I personally get fed up , even the clergy say nothing do nothing never looking up is every one BLIND or drunk on entertainment of all kinds especially politics which is controlled by the same entity that is destroying the planet , a famous climatologist said this week there is over one billion people in the world suffering , you ignorant politicians do you realize your in the cross hairs also your going down with us but then you will answer to God which it seems you are are not afraid of 

  • They have been spraying like crazy in the Philadelphia area for days now.  Controlling the storm's path and intensity I presume.  Didn't think about kids that will eat the snow like I used to.  More poisoning, between vaccines and breathing and eating and drinking- how evil are these people.

    1. Tom  O – Thank you for waking  me up about kids eating snow!  Oh, how I remember the pleasures of those God given  flakes from heaven and what fun we had!  Parents…! somehow you have to explain that it is "dangerous" > "bad" to eat snow in these times!  Tell the truth as best you can without scaring them unnecessarily (if that is possible…) but explain as carefully and truthfully  that there is another entity > a someone "else" >>>not God >  interfering in His  >God's > Work on Earth for His People > and for a time period we humans cannot at this time fully measure . Pray and maintain  "Faith"  among yourselves and do not listen nor fear those who laugh or damn you for your belief.  God's Own will survive what comes! Thank you and God Bless all!

    2. Ive told my older daughters(45 & 46 when they wanted to gather snow like their grandma used to do and make snow ice cream- Don't Eat The Snow Its Full of Chemicals!!! They did not try it after that .. Sometimes a stern mama warning works, even if they don't believe in Geo engineering !!! 

  • With Stephen Hawkins advice to leave the planet within 100 years, why is he not mentioning geoengineering?  The heavy metals are free falling so how much does it take for people to wake up?

    1. Why is Stephen Hawking not mentioning geoengineering? If anything, he's probably a member of the same group of "scientists", whose preoccupation is to distract people from the evil that is going on. It would behoove scientists of such renown to delve into this ongoing mess than to waste their time on theorizing how the universe began. Our chances of knowing how this earth will end are far greater than knowing how we began. I wonder how much energy these weather engineers put into the oceans.

  • We in Omaha had thunder snow about three or four weeks ago. I remember growing up hearing it a few times. But its been a long while…strange stuff…

    1. Hello Jason, yes, you may have heard it growing up. Climate engineering has been going on at a significant scale for over 70 years, the first patents for “chemical ice nucleation” were from 1950.

  • Hi Dane…thanks for your very fine report. It's a great mix of last year's absurd and blatant weather control LIES as well as events occurring right now!

    Dane and others of you out there know that the battlefield of weather modification is not for the faint of heart… and there are an overwhelming number of battles the world over that are in motion to undermine life as we currently know it.

    The battles are stretching the population thinner and thinner, but take heart everyone, there are waayyy more of US (we the law abiding and conscientious) than "them", those twisted and perverse destroyers of people and planet along with those willing to hedge, construct lies and stage false-flags!

    They exist to destroy. They destroy to control, whether it be constitution & law, rule of international law, marriage & family, labor & trade, taxation….on & on. They are able to do it because they have key control of all major columns. We must up-end those columns.

    We must keep sharing wherever and with whomever we can.  We all use techniques that suit our style of communication. So if it's flyers, hand them out, mail them out…man plaster them everywhere. If it's social media, blitz it. If it's conversation, use every opportunity, repeatedly. If it's contacting Congresscritters, keep hounding them.

    I'm betting many politicians aren't sleeping too well these days. I wonder how many of them have spin-off health issues from stress due to constant cover-up and lies. And remember, as we suffer health issues from toxic skies, food and water, so do they!

  • There will be numerous fatality's from this Storm. The Agenda 21 is in full Force. The Georgia Guidstones are letting people know what's in store for everyone yet most don't even know what that means. Both of them are easy enough to look up. Yet most think all of this is just the way it is. All completely Normal only because that is the Brainwashing Methods from the Madmen out there.

    Cull down the Sheeple and Useless eaters.

    It is really something for sure.

    1. The biggest problem is that most people don't want to hear about "disasters" that are going on. My own sister asked me "what is truth?" We had a lengthy discussion and she realized what it's all about. Two days later she sent me an email saying that she would rather not find out the truth because it's very depressing!

    2. I have to agree Agen. There's simply no other explanation for the furor — that's the word that comes to mind — with which these storms have been created and manipulated and steered into densely populated areas. That's the case for the entirely engineered snowstorm/nor'easter heading for us on the eastern seaboard and the northeast. I had no idea how many other devastating and destructive storms are happening or have happened elsewhere in this country until I read this. I honestly don't think even the best and brightest sci-fi writers could come up with something like this. 

    3. The masses are overpopulated and pushing everything to it's limits .
      IMO that can be seen almost everywhere .
      It is the equivalent of a Bus with a capacity of 65 people carrying 300 people … There are just Too Many People … We all need to come together on this issue and find a solution before we become ( Star Trek / Gideon ) But because so many selfishly reproduce and think it is their right to diminish the quality of life of others we cannot agree on a solution … Thus the Elites take it upon themselves covertly to cull the population … Openly Stated !

    4. Hello Jerry, your points are certainly valid. I would only add this, those in power have gone to unimaginable lengths to create this paradigm of total destruction. Populations may have responded more productively if they had any real understanding of the truth (which has aggresively been hidden from them by those behind the curtain). The most important leap forward for us at this critical time is to expose the crimes of those in power structure, starting with the ongoing weather warfare/biological warfare. If we can do this, our focus can be put toward the other very real challenges you have cited.

  • Dane, can samples of the nuclear inc chemicals that hit the ground be collected and analyzed.  If so, analyzed with what?

    1. Hello Greg, yes, you can collect a “snow” sample, let it melt in a clean collection container, and have a lab test it for heavy metals (don’t tell the lab why you are testing the sample). Sum such tests are listed under the “tests” section of geoengineeringwatch. I have attached a citizens account of snow testing. Though the “disinformation” sites and sources do their best to cast doubt on the heavy metals showing up in the snow, the toxic climate engineering fallout is indeed showing up in extreme quantities. http://www.fourwinds10.net/siterun_data/environment/pollution/news.php?q=1220410300

  • at the end of 2015, the Met Office here in the UK took up to following suit of the US in naming our storms….. first thing i notice is they dont name every storm we have, if they did we would be up to Z by now .. is this the same for the US Dane? or are they expecting just 26 storms in the USA for the whole year? … seems to me they are being selective as and when it suits them. As you say to distract us from other worsening situation.

    1. Hello Sean, The Weather Channel names “winter storms” when there specific conditions are present. One primary factor is the amount of the population that is impacted. This is why the climate engineers so consistently focus their efforts of destruction over the most heavily populated zones and urban centers. http://www.weather.com/news/news/science-behind-naming-winter-storms-weather-channel-20140121

  • I wonder how many deaths will occur from this Storm named Jonas. I know that sounds terrible. But this is actually an every day occurrence. Sadly there are too many people turning a blind eye to the Fact. More and more people are being displaced from their homes and land because of it. How many people know what is really going on? It sure makes me wonder.

  • I read the Times article on Flint you posted Dane and had to shake my head at the comments of Bernie Sanders. Just like Peter Shumlin he is beyond useless. He allowed the state of Vermont to crap directly into its lakes and water systems for over a decade and it still continues. Those two like to show up at college graduations and newspapers just in time to get their pictures taken, nothing else. Lousy damn desk riders, they have sabotaged us all.

    Changing the headmaster won't fix the problems we've got. It's time to occupy the vote people. Kick them all out 2016.


    1. An employer pays his subjects to perform. Your government pays its civil workers to perform what they say. The media pays their journalists to say what they want them to say. THAT is the biggest problem that we are faced with.Whoever is the biggest employer, is the one who controls what we see and hear. 

  • Is "thunder snow" a thing? I'm a Florida girl so I'm not familiar with snow storm terms, but I don't think I've EVER heard of this…

    Also, speaking of distractions…how about the economic summit going on in Davos, Switzerland right now. Almost zero coverage about this on MSM. Hmmm….

    1. Hello Jen, “thunder snow” is a phenomenon most related to weather conditions that have been completely engineered. Warmer convective rain cells are chemically ice nucleated creating “snow storms” from what should have been rain. The Chinese have openly disclosed this practice in the past, though they are now much more covert about their geoengineering activities as are the western powers. http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2009-11/chinas-weather-manipulation-brings-crippling-snowstorm-beijing

    2. Jen, the reason for the lack of Davos coverage on MSM in the US is because of the need to get the T.T.I.P deal done & dusted with as less fuss as possible. Such a deal would sound the death knell for the much higher E.U food industry regulation. We could end up with non labelled GMO products, Ireland, where I currently reside, is the biggest exporter worldwide for powdered milk & baby formula. The beef is some of the best in the world. We would be inundated with the piss poor nutritional beef from the US that is pumped up with GMO feed & steroids / growth hormones. Much more quantity, much less quality. That's just the beef………. 

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