Climate Engineering And The Global Economic House Of Cards
The narrative of the modern industrialized economy being a success is a lie of unimaginable proportion. Nature has historically produced 75% of all global GDP (gross domestic product) for free, no longer. If nature dies, we die. Modern society is now consuming itself to keep the facade of "progress" going until the last minute. As the last sand drains from the hourglass, global climate engineering is diminishing what chance there may yet be to salvage any part of Earth's life support systems. The false paradigm of perpetual expansion on a finite planet with finite resources is disintegrating by the day. Any chance we have left at this point rests on exposing and stopping the climate engineering insanity before there is nothing left to save. The article below is an excellent portrayal of what is unfolding with a few important exceptions. The omission of the geoengineering factor (which many authors and publishers are still afraid to face or admit to)., And the mention of carbon credit taxes which are a scam and just another part of the problem. This being said, the article covers many important facts and is well worth the time to read.Make your voice heard in this battle today, tomorrow may be too late. Dane Wigington