Geoengineering With Industrial Waste
Dane Wigington Geoengineering The Oceans Though many have now at least heard of the ongoing atmospheric spraying known as solar radiation management (SRM) and stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG), most are still not familiar with another form of geoengineering, "ocean fertilization". It's easy enough for the average person to take note of the all too visible spraying of our skies, but how can we know what the climate engineers are doing to our oceans without our knowledge or consent? Connecting The Dots Could the atmospheric spraying and ocean fertilization be directly connected? The answer is yes, a connection appears likely if all available data is examined. For those that are not familiar with ocean fertilization, the term refers to the intentional widespread distribution of bioavailable iron into our seas in order to create plankton blooms that then absorb and thus sequester Co2 from the atmosphere. Could the materials being sprayed into our skies and over the oceans be composed of elements that are compatible for ocean fertilization? Again, the answer is likely yes.