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Undeniable Video Footage Of Wing Tip Aerosol Spraying

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org When people ask how we can prove our skies are being sprayed, tell them because we have film footage of the crime occurring. This is the bottom line and the end of any

Documents Show Navy’s Electromagnetic Warfare Training Would Harm Humans and Wildlife

Source: Truthout, article by Dahr Jamail If the US Navy gets its way, it will begin flying Growler supersonic warplanes over Olympic National Forest and wilderness areas of the Western Olympic Peninsula next September in order

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 7, 2017

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Is it just a coincidence that terrorist attacks consistently occur at just the right window of time to eclipse unfolding issues and actions of the power structure? Is it a just a coincidence

10/25/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Ratheon prepare weather maps. Insiders leaking information. Controlled opposition covering up the truth, but why? Heating half the U.S., cooling the other half. Cracking the dam. Leaves not falling due to climate engineering. Heavy, sticky

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 19, 2020, #267

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The US West is not the only part of the world that is incinerating, the Amazon and Siberia are also in flames. What agendas and objectives do the fires and smoke fulfill for

Critical Anti-Geoengineering Activism: Expanding The Effort

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org How can we wake people up to the ongoing global climate engineering assault when so many have been so completely conditioned to deny this most dire issue? Shocking and compelling visual images are the

7-5-2014 – GeoEngineering Watch with Dane Wigington

Destroying the dollar. An appeal to the military. Depleted uranium killing our troops. The real purpose of media. The body-eating virus is "out of control". Destroying the dollar. Targeting California. 9/11 in retrospect. High-bypass turbofans

Global Warming: Causing Worldwide Weather Apocalypse

Who is promoting the Global Cooling disinfo? Could it be the geo-engineers and their paymasters? Cosmic Convergence Research Group Global Climate Change does not accurately describe the planetary predicament; an ongoing worldwide atmospheric apocalypse does.

Do Americans Live In A False Reality Created By Orchestrated Events?

by Paul Craig Roberts Most people who are aware and capable of thought have given up on what is called the “mainstream media.” The presstitutes have destroyed their credibility by helping Washington to lie—“Saddam Hussein’s

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 6, 2018, #126

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The now total desperation of the weather makers and the power structure is glaringly evident on countless fronts. The all out winter weather warfare assault on the Eastern US is taking its toll

Dane Wigington & Clifford Carnicom on Globalskywatch Radio

Monday Night Live Monday, June 24, 8:30pm ET 5:30pm PT Dane Wigington & Clifford Carnicom Together at Globalskywatch.com Featuring two of the most recognizable experts on Geoengineering and Morgellons  

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 7, 2018, #139

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org We are all swimming in a toxic sea of contamination from countless sources, there is no truly organic anything at this point. A new report further confirms the health threats posed to commercial

Every Position On The Spectrum Supports The Government’s Propaganda

Source: RINF (article by Paul Craig Roberts) This excellent article by Glenn Greenwald —http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article43438.htm — reminded me that I have meant to write about how every sort of interest attaches to the government’s propaganda in

Geoengineered Winter Weather Whiplash With Patented Climate Engineering Processes

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Patented processes for artificially ice nucleating winter storms are owned by our government and have existed for many decades (the Chinese have openly stated they are "engineering snowstorms"). Below are excerpts from only one

Dane Wigington on Conspiracy Queries with Alan Park

Chemtrails and evidence of geo-engineering are a phenomena that apparently only makes itself known to the more perceptive of humans. Deniers seem wilfully ignorant of them as sufficient evidence of geo-engineering can be easily obtained by the

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 26, 2022, # 346

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org While the threat of expanding global conflict continues to take center stage, off the scale temperatures in the polar regions are triggering incredibly ominous events. An ice shelf the size of LA has just

Arctic Sea Ice Is Getting Thinner Faster Than Expected

Source: The Guardian Study combining disparate data for first time finds sea ice thickness down 65% since 1975 because of global warming, reports Climate Central. While the steady disappearance of sea ice in the Arctic

Bill Gates, Monsanto, Chemtrails & Vaccines – The Critical Tie Points

By: TLB Published July 2, 2013, filed under ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, WORLD Source: http://www.thelibertybeacon.com/2013/07/02/bill-gates-monsanto-chemtrails-vaccines-the-critical-tie-points/ TLB Note: The video contained in this article has many eye opening points and facts concerning Monsanto, GMO’s, Vaccines, Chemtrails, Bill Gates

HAARP SBX1 : Mobile Sea Based Radar Weather Weapon in place to shake the ground off North Korea : Expect a false flag in North Korea any time soon : Weather is the weapon of choice : Please look at these Giant HAARP WAR Rigs :

April 7, 2013 lightworkersxm It has been used in many Hurricanes and many recent ( 10 years)  major political earthquakes See here :  

Is it Legal For The Government to Conduct Aerial Spraying Operations Without the Informed Consent of the Public?

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Eye On The Skies

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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 27, 2023, #407

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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 2, 2021, #282

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org 2020 is now behind us, but what is in front of us? We are being told that new and far more contagious strains of the pathogen are popping up, the latest in the

Ancient Andes Glaciers Have Lost Half Their Ice In Just 40 Years

Source: New Scientist By Chelsea Whyte The snowcapped skyline of the Andes is beating a hasty retreat. Since the mid-1970s, the area covered by glaciers in Peru’s Cordillera de Vilcanota range has nearly halved, with

Jeff Rense & Dane Wigington – Snow Burns, Won't Melt!

February 03, 2014 - guest Dane Wigington on the Jeff Rense Program.

Geoengineering Expands As Industrialized Civilization Spirals Into Collapse

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org As the global economic house of cards continues to collapse with increasing momentum, the vast majority of global populations are, unfortunately, still looking through a very tainted and distorted lens. They cannot bring

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 11, 2023, #392

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org "Scientists" are now proposing to use moon dust to cool Earth, the ranks of academia continue to lose credibility with each passing day. Micro plastic pollution is in every breath we take. Is it

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 14, 2020, #240

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Unfolding global scenarios are beginning to break down the deeply rooted normalcy bias that is so pervasive in industrialized societies. Supply chains are being impacted, stock markets are fluctuating wildly, and many store

East Siberian Heat Wave

Source: Arctic News The image below illustrates the intensity of the heatwave over western Europe, with temperatures forecast to keep hitting the top end of the scale for days to come. Global warming is strengthening

Is Antarctica losing or gaining ice?

Source: Skeptical Science

Climate myth: Antarctica is gaining ice
"[Ice] is expanding in much of Antarctica, contrary to the widespread public belief that global warming is melting the continental ice cap." (Greg Roberts, The Australian)

Antarctica is a continent with 98% of the land covered by ice, and is surrounded by ocean that has much of its surface covered by seasonal sea ice. Reporting on Antarctic ice often fails to recognise the fundamental difference between sea ice and land ice. Antarctic land ice is the ice which has accumulated over thousands of years on the Antarctica landmass through snowfall. This land ice therefore is actually stored ocean water that once evaporated and then fell as precipitation on the land. Antarctic sea ice is entirely different as it is ice which forms in salt water during the winter and almost entirely melts again in the summer.

Importantly, when land ice melts and flows into the oceans global sea levels rise on average; when sea ice melts sea levels do not change measurably but other parts of the climate system are affected, like increased absorbtion of solar energy by the darker oceans.

To summarize the situation with Antarctic ice trends:

  • Antarctic land ice is decreasing at an accelerating rate
  • Antarctic sea ice is increasing despite the warming Southern Ocean

Antarctic Land Ice is decreasing

Measuring changes in Antarctic land ice mass has been a difficult process due to the ice sheet's massive size and complexity. However, since the 1990s satellites have been launched that allow us to measure those changes. There are three entirely different approaches, and they all agree within their measurement uncertainties. The most recent estimate of land ice change that combines estimates from these three approaches reported (Shepherd and others, 2012) that between 1992 and 2011, the Antarctic Ice Sheets overall lost 1350 giga-tonnes (Gt) or 1,350,000,000,000 tonnes into the oceans, at an average rate of 70 Gt per year (Gt/yr). Because a reduction in mass of 360 Gt/year represents an annual global-average sea level rise of 1 mm, these estimates equate to an increase in global-average sea levels by 0.19 mm/yr, or 1.9 mm per decade. Together with the land ice loss from Greenland, this represents about 30% of the observed global-average sea level rise over this period.

Examining how this change is spread over time (Figure 1) reveals that the ice sheet as a whole was not losing or gaining ice in the early 1990s. Since then ice loss has begun, and is clearly seen to have accelerated during that time:

Shepherd et al. 2012

Figure 1: Estimates of total Antarctic land ice changes (bottom) and regions within it (top) and approximate sea level contributions using a combination of several different measurement techniques (Shepherd and others, 2012). Shaded areas represent the estimate uncertainty (1-sigma).

The satellite mission that is best suited to measuring land ice mass change is the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE). The GRACE satellites measure changes in Earth's gravity and these can be directly related to surface mass variations such as the Antarctic ice sheet. Recent GRACE estimates of mass change show the dramatic mass loss in West Antarctica and mass gain in East Antarctica (King and others, 2012):

King and others, 2012

Figure 2: a, GRACE estimate of ice-mass change (2002-2012), with ice drainage basins numbered (boldface italics where trends are statistically different to zero with 95% confidence). b, c, Basin-specific lower and upper bounds on ice-mass change, respectively, reflecting the potential systematic error in the basin estimates (King and others, 2012).

The East Antarctic Ice Sheet is growing slightly over satellite period (Figures 1&2) but not enough to offset the other losses. It is not yet clear if the increase in mass in Antarctica is a short-term phenomena due to a particularly snowy period (Boening and others, 2012) or if it is a long-term trend. Increased snowfall in East Antarctica has long been predicted in a warming climate, so this is an important region to continue monitoring.

The land ice loss from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is not due to surface melting, as the summer temperatures in Antarctica are generally always below freezing, and measured changes in precipitation cannot explain it either. Instead, the melting is occuring due to warm ocean water melting the land ice around its edges, resulting in a spreading of this ice loss inland:

Pritchard and others, 2012

Figure 3: Rates of lowering of land ice and its floating extensions in West Antarctica, 2003–2008 (Pritchard and others, 2012). Floating extensions of the land ice (ice shelves) that are labelled are Venable (V), Abbott (A), Cosgrove (C), Pine Island (PI), Thwaites (TH), Crosson (CR), Dotson (D), Getz (G), De Vicq (DV), Land (L), Nickerson (N) and Sulzberger (SZ). Arrows highlight areas of slow-flowing, grounded ice. Bathymetry landward of the continental-shelf break is in greyscale. The divide between floating and grounded ice is shown in white. The inset shows the location of the figure (green box) overlaid on the outline of Antarctica.

The influx in warm water onto the continental shelf in this region is not entirely understood but is probably at least partly linked to increased westerly winds that have occured as a result of reduced stratospheric ozone levels since the mid-20th Century (Gillet 2003, Thompson 2002, Turner 2009).

The Antarctic ice sheet plays an important role in the total contribution to sea level. That contribution is continuously and rapidly growing.

Antarctic Sea Ice is increasing

Antarctic sea ice has shown long term growth since satellites began measurements in 1979. This is an observation that has been often cited as proof against global warming. However, rarely is the question raised: why is Antarctic sea ice increasing? The implicit assumption is it must be cooling around Antarctica. This is decidedly not the case. In fact, the Southern Ocean has been warming faster than the rest of the world's oceans. Globally from 1955 to 1995, oceans have been warming at 0.1°C per decade. In contrast, the Southern Ocean has been warming at 0.17°C per decade. Not only is the Southern Ocean warming, it is warming faster than the global trend.

Figure 3: Surface air temperature over the ice-covered areas of the Southern Ocean (top). Sea ice extent, observed by satellite (bottom). (Zhang 2007)

If the Southern Ocean is warming, why is Antarctic sea ice increasing? There are several contributing factors. One is the drop in ozone levels over Antarctica. The hole in the ozone layer above the South Pole has caused cooling in the stratosphere (Gillet 2003). This strengthens the cyclonic winds that circle the Antarctic continent (Thompson 2002). The wind pushes sea ice around, creating areas of open water known as polynyas. More polynyas lead to increased sea ice production (Turner 2009).

Another contributor is changes in ocean circulation. The Southern Ocean consists of a layer of cold water near the surface and a layer of warmer water below. Water from the warmer layer rises up to the surface, melting sea ice. However, as air temperatures warm, the amount of rain and snowfall also increases. This freshens the surface waters, leading to a surface layer less dense than the saltier, warmer water below. The layers become more stratified and mix less. Less heat is transported upwards from the deeper, warmer layer. Hence less sea ice is melted (Zhang 2007). An increase in melting of Antarctic land ice will also contribute to the increased sea ice production (Bintanga et al. 2013).

In summary, Antarctic sea ice is a complex and unique phenomenon. The simplistic interpretation that it must be cooling around Antarctica is decidedly not the case. Warming is happening – how it affects specific regions is complicated.

Source: Skeptical Science

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One Response

  1. Thank you for this article. I have discussed the issue of land ice vs sea ice and discovered that many are unaware that the Arctic is Ocean surrounded by land and Antarctica is a land mass surrounded by the sea. In the Arctic, the winter sea ice may have a larger (even expanding) area (length x width) but the depth/overall volume has been decreasing at an alarming rate. One of the pre-eminent scientist studying sea ice (40 years) in the Arctic is Peter Wadham (Cambridge). Wadham has explained in interviews that they would study (measure) the volume (length x width x height/depth) of sea ice with the aid of submarines. In the past, this deep sea ice would accumulate year after year (remained frozen). This is not the case today.

    Ice located in the ocean does not raise the sea level when it melts. Ice located on land which melts and flows into the ocean does raise sea levels. This is an important concept to grasp. It’s been my experience, through general conversations, that people do not realize that the worst is yet to come (once significant amounts of land ice begins to melt).

    Another item to consider; the difference between the cold poles and warm equater create the wind (jet stream) and ocean currents (displace one another causing movement/currents). Once the poles and equater temps begin to equalize (lower differential in temperature) these currents slow down. Scientists are aware (through examination of fossil records) that some ocean flows decreased to such a low level that stagnation occurred creating complete dead zones (anoxic and toxic seas).

    The balance of the planets naturally occuring systems has been severly stressed and damaged. I was listening to a lecture on past green house extiction events and was surprised to learn there have been 10 such events veriied by scientists. The poles and more specifically the Artic is the planets refridgeration system. If geoengineering is disrupting wind and ocean currents (such as causing movement of cold air from the Arctic to North America and therefore allowing more warm currents into the Arctic) it must be stopped. Once the Arctic has melted, we will have created a runaway green house gas setting.

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