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The “Tucson Weekly” Covers Climate Reality

We live in a world of smoke, mirrors, paid deception, and total denial. In the article below it would be more accurate to say that the Tucson Weekly covered part of the climate reality (though

Radio Frequency Climate Manipulation Amounts To Weather Warfare

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Climate engineering is a completely runaway juggernaut of total insanity. The planet's climate system is unraveling by the day as the geoengineers try frantically to control it with ever more desperate and destructive measures

911, How Ludicrous Is The “Official” Story, Really?

The 4 minute video below was very well done, it's well worth the time to view. It is truly astounding that the global shadow government can demo 3 steel structure high rise buildings in the

What the Hell Are They Spraying? Lionel Interviews Dane Wigington of GeoEngineering Watch

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Lionel Nation is an extremely important voice that has fully joined the battle to expose and halt climate engineering. Lionel, from Lionel Nation, has always shown great courage in addressing and exposing the

Hurricane Manipulation: Weather Makers Exposed

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Climate engineering operations are the crown jewel of the military industrial complex. A quiet weapon for silent warfare. A weapon with which entire populations can be brought to their knees without ever even knowing they are under

Has The Primary Geoengineering Materials Supplier Been Identified?

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The global climate engineers are spraying unimaginable quantities of materials into skies all over the world as part of the ongoing geoengineering / solar radiation management assault. The world's most recognized geoengineer, Dr.

Toeing the Line for Big Oil and the Geoengineers

by Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org How does the power structure keep people from uniting in a common cause? Divide and conquer. This strategy has in many ways been applied against the anti-geoengineering community. All of us

Turkey is caught planning false flag pretext for war

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ban of YouTube occurred after a conversation was leaked between Head of Turkish Intelligence Hakan Fidan and Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu that he wanted removed from the video-sharing website. The

Another GeoengineeringWatch Billboard Goes Up On A Major Highway

With the continuing help of friends and allies in the battle to expose and stop climate engineering, another geoengineeringwatch.org billboard has been put up on a major US highway. This latest billboard is in New Mexico, on

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 9, 2023, #422

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org "Apocalyptic food price rises", a statement from the governor of the Bank of England. All over the world crops and fisheries are spiraling toward collapse, what happens when the food shelves in the local

Jet Stream Manipulation Is Fueling Weather Extremes

The entire climate science community pretend to be scratching their heads over the ever more erratic jet stream patterns. The "experts" continue to come up with various explanations as to why the jet stream is

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 17, 2021, #310

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Severe weather anomalies are now becoming so extreme that many are finally beginning to ask if there is more to the story than we are being told. Catastrophic drought and deluge scenarios are

Part 1 – Leuren Moret: Confirmed – MH370 shot down by US over Singapore airspace as UK Inmarsat leads 30 day global false flag psyops for 5 NWO objectives

Source: http://exopolitics.blogs.com/peaceinspace/2014/04/part-1-leuren-moret-confirmed-mh370-shot-down-by-us-over-singapore-airspace-as-uk-inmarsat-leads-30-day-false-flag-psy.html Part 1 - Leuren Moret: Confirmed – MH370 shot down by US over Singapore airspace as UK Inmarsat leads 30 day false flag psyops for 5 NWO objectives WATCH ON YOU TUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuWyLgIv1kg&feature=youtu.be

Engineered Winter Storm Assault, The Weather Makers Are Desperate For Headlines

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Winter storm "Juno" is here, and it is engineered from top to bottom. The weather event that is unfolding on the East Coast of the US is a completely manipulated monstrosity. The

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 22, 2023, #415

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org "Four Times More Toxic": How Wildfire Smoke Ages Over Time, that's the headline from a new European Commission report. So what changes occur with smoke over time? It becomes far more toxic due to


The US military is a juggernaut of destruction around the globe. An inconceivably massive beast with an insatiable thirst for more resources to keep it grinding forward. Though the climate engineering programs are not mentioned

The Insidious Conditioning Of An Uninformed Population

Those in power have spent decades refining and perfecting various means and methods of conditioning populations. Great effort has been undertaken in regard to getting the public to accept the blatant spraying of our skies. The

2015 Is Crushing It For Hottest Year On Record

Source: ThinkProgress / ClimateProgress, article by Joe Romm This was by far the hottest four-month start (January to April) of any year on record. CREDIT: NOAA Last week NASA reported that this has been the

Climate Engineering Contamination And Aerotoxic Syndrome

The so far unacknowledged geoengineering elephant in the room has morphed into a cataclysm of unimaginable size. The power structure is trying desperately to hide the decades long toxic spraying of our skies, but the highly

Collapse of The Biosphere – Dying Trees

Video Description A walk of four blocks in a small town reveals a pervasive, creeping death... the same scenes are unfolding everywhere on this planet. The trees stand in mute testimony to this global cataclysm

Climate Engineering And Dying Oceans

There are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to the Earth's oceans, a book would be necessary to cover this subject with any degree of accuracy. This being said, what part is the global climate engineering

Winter Storm "Nemo"

The engineering and naming of "winter" storms, and the Weather Channel coverage that goes with them, is truly becoming ridiculous. The energy and moisture of many "winter" storms now come straight from the Gulf of

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 17, 2021, #297

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Screening out unpleasant and unwanted realities has become the norm for far too many in first world populations.  A constant stream of carefully crafted power structure propaganda has been used to polarize, divide

Climate Engineering, How It Changed My World

By Nancy Levant, contributing writer for geoengineeringwatch.org Soon I will be turning 60, and I cannot help but recall my mother’s words when she told me she felt as if she had outlived her understanding

Daily Gazette – LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: “Environmental Factors Alter Health Care Debate”

Here's a great example of the many things that can be done to spread awareness. Environmental Factors Alter Health Care Debate The debate over health care should include environmental factors that have potential to cause

Climate Engineering, Disinformation, And Lord Monckton, What’s The Connection?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Anyone who claims to be against climate engineering, anyone who claims to be in the fight to expose and halt it, and anyone who claims to care about the truth, has a responsibility to view the 15

Climate Change Accelerating

Source: Arctic News Methane levels as high as 2562 ppb were recorded on October 9, 2014, as illustrated by the image below. Many grey areas show up in the image where QC (quality control) failed,

Why Are Geoengineering Researchers Being Stonewalled?

Exclusive: Chuck Norris questions government 'gag orders' on several agencies Source: WND, article by Chuck Norris On Dec. 27, 1820, Thomas Jefferson wrote about his vision for the University of Virginia (chartered in 1819) what should

5 Big Signs The Global Engine of Deceit, Lies, and Control Are Coming To End

Source: Realities Watch   If you don’t see it coming, you may have been hiding in a very dark place for the last decade. The lies, deceit, fear-mongering and illusions portrayed by elite controlling entities

Weather Warfare Assault, A Physician Speaks Out

The ongoing battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity (by reaching a critical mass of awareness on the issue) is now rapidly gaining traction. By sharing credible data with others and networking credible data on

Geoengineering: Like GMO On Steroids For The Environment

Awareness of the climate engineering subject is growing rapidly and the issue is justifiably frightening to the newly awakened. Those that are just beginning their journey into the global geoengineering rabbit hole are not quite ready to admit it is actually going on as such a notion is clearly and understandably terrifying to them.  Those of us that have been fighting to expose climate engineering for many years would do well to remember our own initial skepticism on this issue. What matters is that people like Kenneth Eade (the article author) are sincerely investigating and speaking out. Kenneth is a very successful author of considerable notoriety. His attention toward the critical issue of geoengineering is helpful to the overall cause of exposing the ongoing climate engineering crimes occurring in skies around the globe.

Geoengineering: Like GMO On Steroids For The Environment

Source: OpEdNews.com, article by Kenneth G. Eade

It's a new year, and everyone is talking about how it's going to be better than the last year. They're making their New Year "resolutions," which they plan to start right after the hangovers stop and are not likely to be kept; like losing weight, quitting smoking, getting more exercise, or saving money. However, year after year, mankind has not made the resolutions that count, because it has not learned from the mistakes of the past. Year after year, we make ourselves comfortable, but take our environment for granted, and in the process, destroy 16 million hectares of valuable forests every year, and waste tons of fresh water while 5,000 children die every day from drinking dirty water. We unload 180 million tons of toxic chemicals into our rivers and oceans every year, and even poison the very food we eat and contaminate the groundwater we drink with pesticides so industrial agriculture can increase its yields, and toxic chemicals, so that the fossil fuel industry can produce more oil and gas and spout more carbon into the atmosphere, the dwindling forests, and our precious ocean, that we use as a huge toilet.
Yet we still rely on the irreplaceable ecosystems that we abuse and destroy to recycle the hundreds of millions of tons of trash we throw into them every year, to provide oxygen for the atmosphere, to filter water, for flood control, and for producing food and fuel. Our activities in this Garden of Eden that provides so many free services for us are causing the extinction of species at up to 10,000 times the historical rate, toward a mass extinction, the likes of which the earth has not seen for 65 million years. But in the last few days of 2014, our governments have finally allowed us to admit that our excessive carbon emissions, which are primarily caused by our dependence upon fossil fuels for energy, and exacerbated by deforestation for agriculture (which ironically also contributes to excessive carbon emissions,) are changing the climate of the earth. Now that it is almost too late, we must act before our beach vacation destinations (not to mention New York and Miami) are underwater, and we have to cope with mega-droughts, unheard of floods, and super hurricanes and tornadoes, just to mention a few of the side effects of our irresponsible behavior.
You may think that we have finally learned from this experience, where we have done almost everything wrong, and developed dirty, obsolete fossil fuel mining and exploitation technology that has quickened our path to destruction. You may think, as I do, since solar and wind power technology has improved and is cheaper than ever before, that weaning us off our dependence on fossil fuels as soon as possible is the most logical and reasonable way to deal with this crisis. However, the same way that we have played God with our food, creating genetic modifications that could have never occurred in nature, the long-term consequences of which we have no clue, there is another option being developed for dealing with climate change that is even more frightening than the genetic engineering of food.
It's called Geoengineering, or Climate Engineering, and, according to Dr. Matthew Watson from Bristol University, the potential effects of the technologies, which Dr. Watson (his real name, no relation to Sherlock Holmes) is helping to develop, are terrifying. Dr. Watson's "solar radiation management" project, which mimics the cooling effects of volcanic eruptions by spraying sulfur particles into the atmosphere to block sunlight, may have a cooling effect by reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches the Earth, but it also causes irreversible damage to the planet's ecosystems, starving plant life and reducing food supply. But don't worry, you'll still be able to get your St. Tropez tan, because the sulfur particles are likely to destroy the ozone layer, which protects us and all the little animals from deadly ultraviolet radiation. Other technologies focus on carbon dioxide "removal," which include iron "fertilization" of the oceans, something that has been approved for small scale trials, which would increase the toxicity of the oceans and destroy ocean life.
Although these "experiments," such as cloud brightening or artificial volcanoes, are mostly taking place with computer modeling, there are a growing number of conspiracy theorists who say that geo-engineering is already occurring and on a grand scale. (Holy chemtrails, Batman!) It is not likely that they are not right, but if they are, it won't be the first time that unnatural agents were introduced into our environment and we weren't told about it, like almost everything you eat, for example, if you happen to live in the United States.
The bottom line is that, instead of trying to manipulate our environment to get us out of this mess, which is how we got into the mess in the first place, we should find a way to live in harmony with it. With the availability of cheap solar and wind power, this is actually possible. Whether the economies of the industrialized nations and the industry that controls them and the governments that are supposed to regulate them will allow this to happen is the big question.
Kenneth Eade is a best-selling author and international lawyer based in Los Angeles, California www.kennetheade.com

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

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32 Responses

  1. Same thing everyday. Wake up. Go out for a smoke. Look Up. Watch the jets flying from East to West. Going to the Big Lakes where they can Spray so no one see’s them. The winds carry the Crap Clouds toward the City. Then they Block the Sun. If you drive to a high elavation in the City where you can look over the City you can see the Fallout from the Clouds. It looks like heavy smog, which it is. You listen to the radio stations telling lies about the weather and you know right well they have their mouth’s sewn shut about the real truth of the matter. Instead every thing they say is mostly geared towards Sickness or some sort of fund raising for Charity and what not. Your trains that you hear going by with Tanker’s are probably filled with this Filth that is being sprayed upon us all. Easy way to get rid of it and make people sick.
    Look up Ambient Temperature, Evaporation and Dissapation.
    There is a lot you can do instead if just complaining about this.

    You just have to make an effort.

  2. Justice will prevail. Their is a consequence for everything.When the Earth goes down we all will. Even illuminatists are human. They’ll get theirs. you sometimes have to wait for justice

  3. My 32nd email to my contact list, titled:The Big Lie.

    1. The intergovernmental denial of the intensive atmospheric spraying that is going on around the world is a such a colossal lie that most people would not believe that their governments would say it.

    Adolf Hitler would call this The Big Lie. (Mein Kampf).

    When condemning Germany’s corrupt Weimar government of the 1920’s, he also said
    “What good fortune for governments that men do not think.”

    2. The Ukraine Army ( backed, funded, trained and equipped by Nato countries) is carrying out atrocities on their “Russian” population, that are every bit as appalling as those conducted on the Germans of the Sudetenland, which lead to WW2.

    USA has had plenty of practice with their torture techniques:

    and their war tactics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0 This video is from 2007. Two quick points:
    1. From many other similar incidents one can safely assume they would have fired on the minibus even if it had Red Crosses or Red Crescents plastered all over it.
    2. “Well, it’s their fault for bringing their kids to a battle.” Difficult not to, when they live there, and you are the invaders. Plus, I saw no return of fire, so hardly a “battle”.

    As you will realise from the above examples, they are not designed to create peace, but to ensure continued violence.

  4. Obviously geoengineering activities are a crime that needs to be prosecuted. Here’s and interesting angle:

    Excerpted from: Ultrahazardous activity – Wikipedia
    [“An ultrahazardous activity in the common law of torts is one that is so inherently dangerous that a person engaged in such an activity can be held strictly liable for injuries caused to another person, even if the person engaged in the activity took every reasonable precaution to prevent others from being injured. In the Restatement of the Law 2d, Torts 2d, the term has been abandoned in favor of the phrase “inherently dangerous activity.” “]

    Categories of ultrahazardous activity
    [“There are several categories of activities which are commonly recognized as being ultrahazardous, and therefore subject those who engage in them to strict liability. These include:

    Transportation, storage, and use of dynamite and other explosives
    Transportation, storage, and use of radioactive materials

    Transportation, storage, and use of certain hazardous chemicals

    Keeping of wild animals (i.e. animals that are not normally domesticated in that area)
    Note that in this context domesticated does not merely refer to animals that are commonly bred and raised in captivity, such as alligators.
    Keeping of domesticated animals that have a known propensity for dangerous behavior (e.g., keeping a dog that has attacked people before)[1]
    A person who is injured by one of these ultrahazardous activities while trespassing on the property of the person engaged in the activity is barred from suing under a strict liability theory. Instead, they must prove that the property owner was negligent.

    In the United Kingdom, this area of law is governed by the rule established in Rylands v Fletcher.”]

    Complete text:


    Conspiricy, fraud, and racketeering also come to mind, but geoengineering is actually a war crime. Our executive branch (US) is still operationg under the “War Powers Act” thus all current activities known to the administration and executive branch are prosecutable as such.

  5. It is so good to see so many people speaking out about geoengineering now. The question now is, what can we do about it?

    1. Hello Sheila, check the “activist suggestions” link and the “flaming arrows” link on the home page of geoengineeringwatch.org

  6. Why can’t anyone do anything about this. I hate those tiny little rainbows in the clouds, cause i know it’s the sun shining on the aluminum…when they spray all day. I get tired of the spraying and those “clouds” spread out, and make the sky look so ugly. Sure wish there was something I could do with others, to put a stop to this!

  7. It is really weird,this is the second time in one month I have recorded a temperature of 34 degrees at my house,I drive 4 miles into town and 2400 feet LOWER in elevation, the temperature was 20 degrees COLDER it was 11 degrees in boulder when I just drove 4 miles. This is the 2nd time in month. I have never seen such sharp and pronounced inversions.

  8. Our efforts to fight this scourge called geoengineering are failing. Hello? In spite of increasing public awareness all over the world (not even close to critical mass) what we see is massive and INCREASED SPRAYING!!! Ok, maybe we shouldn’t characterize our current situation as “failing”. But I question whether working through the channels of raising public awareness e.g. social media, marches, networking, discussion forums etc. will actually make a rat’s ass worth of difference to the psycho-pricks behind all this ill-conceived devastation. Are we not in a war here? A war against a demonstrably EVIL ENTITY that has deployed chemical and germ warfare against billions of innocent human beings? Maybe some wars can be fought with “pens” and marches, but is the time not far off when other more “militant” choices must be made? Or do we sheeple all acquiesce out of laziness, dumbness, fear and intimidation? Just a thought, my friends. Meanwhile, every breath we draw in is another nail in our coffins.
    If there is a God, a supra-conscious BEING largely beyond our access, (and I believe there is indeed such a ONE), now is the time to ask for intervention. I have done it. And will do it every day, as I also do my small part to wake up humanity to this horror in our skies. I’m not ready just yet to take up arms, but I am certain there exist many thousands who would do exactly that if they knew the scope of this outrage.

    1. Hello Marc, I understand your frustration completely, but I believe the constant flow of information sharing that occurs on our forums is of much more benefit than most imagine. Dedicated activists are launching “flaming arrows” of credible information in countless directions, they are reaching out to a long and growing list of agencies, organizations, and individuals. The constant exchange of information that goes on here and on other credible sites helps all to keep accurate compass headings and perspectives. It appears you are reaching out to many others, many other activists are doing the same. Our numbers are growing by the day, we must keep our stride no matter how dark the horizon or how much the spraying increases in the meantime. If we can reach critical mass of awareness, the dominos of insanity will begin to fall.

  9. Nothing makes me madder than seeing the lines of chemtrails in the sky, when I drive and when I run. It’s so obvious. We are being sprayed like we are rats. It’s time to create an official list of those committing crimes like this against Humanity, and to try them all with a new set of Nuremberg trials. The crimes are becoming legion, such as GMOs, fluoridation of our drinking water, forced vaccinations of our babies (SIDS) and children (autism), private banks running roughshod over the public, smart meters, etc. No Statute of Limitations should apply. It’s time for justice to prevail.

  10. Yes, you are right on! The crap is mostly derived from oil related creations such as plastic bottles, styrofoam, plaster wrappers, medical waste, you name it. But, for a monstrosity that has birthed the doctrine of infinite war, spending the money necessary would be a 180 degree tack into the light of affirming a life affirmation. This is not its nature. It would do the clean up if enough people call it out and hold up the mirror to it. But only because it is a pretender. Still, it could be forced to clean up that which it has disseminated to the whole earth.

  11. Hi Tom, You can well imagine my being depressed about the state of the environment on my property. Planting trees that fit into a particular eco niche is a great way to contribute back to our life-giving planet. Yes, your observation about the visual state of the flora in this region is a fact that can’t be denied. Too bad we don’t live say 150 years rather than 75 or so. Increased longevity would help humans to see the debasement over a longer time span. As it is, the debasement in human terms is relatively slow and each generation fails to realize what has been destroyed through bad management and deliberate evil. The Mendocino coast is not what it was 50 years ago. I was a 20 year old in the Bay Area an for years would drive up the coast. It was magnificent the flora. I did not see that area again until about a few years ago. I was shocked at how degraded the trees and plants looked. But if one is 20 now and driving up the coast, he it she would believe the diminished beauty is as it has always been. Of course someone 20 might well believe chemtrail skies are natural and normal, too. The proverbial slow cook of the frog. Old age has one very valuable commodity to offer: historical memory.

    The above comments are not to say that this region is not beautiful. It is. But piece by piece the physical and psychological sustinance are being artificially removed by a monstrosity that is the antithesis of the natural life force. Put another way, Dr. Frankenstein and Dracula have joined forces to destroy the Creation. In my opinion we are swept up into a universal war. Because there is nothing but life initially, and they are essentially the living dead pretending to be our savior, zombies as it were, artificial in their nature, it is a foregone conclusion that this rough beast shall be destroyed because their ‘nothingness’ is their ultimate end.

    Meanwhile they spray like there is no tomorrow. But the awakening is happening and more and more people ARE looking up, and asking the right questions, and demanding answers beyond the BS condensation trail form letter our Congressional Representatives send to us. Barrage them! Keep them on speed dial. A bad chem day motivates me to text or phone and raise hell. We have no choice but to do this.

  12. Its already happening. I read a news article saying commercial aircraft are falling apart all over the show along with pilots and cabin crew getting radiation sickness and dropping dead from flying the high altitudes where airflow is taking radiation across upper pacific. It was in Before it News.

  13. Hello all, there is a consolation if one wants to accept it: If Leuren Moret is right about the atmospheric pathways being contaminated by Fukushima radiation; the aircraft,pilots,workers,engineers and the order givers are being exposed to this radiation. Thus, we may have a culling of the aircraft by the Wigner effect and the evil doers by contamination.

  14. Hi Bane! I used to be interested in moving to Northern California until I visited Redding with my wife about three years ago. We were disappointed by the looks of the surroundings, shortly thereafter we learned about geoengineering and the terrible blow given to those Northern California sunny areas. I was dreaming to raise a big garden, but I woke up to the reality that the soil up there is ruined. The heavy aluminum presence is toxic to the rhyzobacteria; plants are unable to sprout rootlets and they get stunted or die. Is there hope for such heavily aluminized soil? I don’t know. If the area is small maybe one could reach down to the uncontaminated soil and bring that to the surface, provided that contamination has not seeped that deep into the subsoil. Because we’re blessed with lots of sunshine, we get a heavy dose of aerosols, we could be the next Mount Shasta! It is encouraging to see that there are still some concerned people out there who are willing to help, but my personal experience shows me that the great majority of people don’t care or would rather bury their head in the sand. Believe me, some of those folks are among my friends and family.

  15. As many must now conclude, we are in an information war. Nefarious elements, apparently well funded, fill up the internet with fancy websites devoted to debunking everything from UFO’S to “Nessie”. There is no doubt that some of these efforts are private individuals intoxicated with the certainty of their respective viewpoint.
    But in the case of “chemtrails”, if we connect the dots and rely on scientific results of soil and water analysis from around the world, we discover that SOMETHING has suddenly spiked the presence of aluminum, barium, and strontium in these samples. And the increases in Altzheimers and autism and so forth suggests a profound environmental cause.
    Though early photos (1940-80’s) show some trails in the sky, I think we can all agree that the spray trails we now see on certain days are so huge in number, configuration and strategic location that SOMETHING IS GOING ON!!! This cannot be “business as usual”, despite the claims of some so-called chemtrail debunkers, whose paychecks, I am quite certain, originate in the black ops or one of many covert government agencies.
    Connecting the dots. I can appreciate the difficulty for many people who are either stupid, don’t give a rat’s ass, or take an argumentative position without even investigating the available facts. Here again, the “information war”. As Dane says, it is becoming increasingly difficult to separate fact from fiction on a variety of issues critical to mankind’s survival. There is, of course, no doubt that this is precisely what covert operatives spend their time on, in the service of some corporation (e.g. oil) or some secretive agenda.
    We are at the crossroads, folks, and those phonies who think we who have awakened to the geoengineering debacle are “gullible” or “stupid’ or “misinformed”, are, in fact, gullible, stupid, and misinformed. As Dane Wigington reminds us, soon there will be no possible denial of the tragic consequences of these spraying programs upon our once incredible planet.

  16. Very interesting that one of the scientists studying geoengineering has come out in opposition to the implementation of such a program. Of course, it has already been implemented on a global scale as many of us know.
    Last night, I was reading the op-ed in Scientific American, advocating the use of SRM, as if there are no other options available to reverse or at least mitigate the warming of the planet. I would encourage rebuttal letters to the editor on this!
    I do believe 2015 will see this issue coming to the forefront and with it massive criticism from the growing numbers of people who have begun to look up, do the research, then confirm what they are learning by again, simply observing the skies. It is up to all of us who ‘get it’ to encourage and educate those who are willing to see, listen, research. But I would offer a bit of caution here- the moment we begin tying what is actually happening (sky spraying) to such topics as population reduction, etc., minds will close. In the insanity in which we find ourselves, this may be the case. However, the ‘why’s’ still remain an area of speculation. The main point to drive home is- this IS already happening. There are numerous lab results, patents, and visual confirmation. Slowly, whistle blowers are coming forward at great risk. Strange fibrous things are showing up in our skies and getting attention, despite local news channels trying their best to confuse and cover up the issue (see: http://www.groundzeromedia.org/hell-storm/

    Here’s hoping 2015 will see the tipping point.

  17. I have lived on this property in Northern California for 24 years. Not is remote. It is heavily forested and is a mix of natural regional flora. I am literally off the grid. The property was verdant 24 years ago. Shortly after moving here I began to notice the manzanita and tan oaks began to lose foliage. Within a few short years the stress upon the plants was obvious, everywhere here. This could be observed everywhere in this region of Mendicino County. Today the eco system is in rapid meltdown. Millions of fir trees have died. The dead spires can be seen everywhere. I planted about 100 red cedars beginning 24 years ago. They were once in plentiful numbers in Mendocino County. After flourishing for years, many of them are under stress, many are turning yellow. One turned yellow last year and the entire tree and needles are dead and brown. Another is dying. I still plant cedars. Initially my success rate for young trees was 90%. Now 50% of the seedling don’t survive. They turn brown. My experience here observing the natural order is it is in big trouble. It is depressing.

    Chemtrails have been sprayed over this region for at least 20 years. It was not until last spring that I finally realized how much more of this was happening in plain view. Spending time observing the jets, their flight behaviors, and the expected weather patterns, it did not take long to put it together. It is obvious there is a massive spraying program taking place. Also obvious is this spraying is weather related. I now get it. I have had the epiphany!

    I read somewhere on the internet that there are 300,000 cell towers in the United States. This began with the mass use of cell phones about 25 years ago. My first chemtrail observation was about 25 years ago. My suspicion is these two factor, and the overload of our atmosphere with microwave radiation, and chemtrail contaminants and diminished sunlight, are two combined causes for the die off of the plant life. This does not include other contributors of suspicion such as the burgeoning spread of ionospheric heaters, now being placed on ships and barges around the globe.

    My final remark is we see the results of irresponsible scientism. Everything of their imaginings are a experiment upon the natural order. It is back engineering. They have to take our natural world apart to understand its components. Unfortunately their folly is they are unable to put the a Creation back together. In stealing the natural secrets they create mimics which is all to often put to nefarious uses. Their largest single employer seems to be warfare pursuits. My guess is because they cannot produce a single living cell, the only path they can take is to artificialize life as in artificial intelligence. That is probably where the cell towers fit into the death cult matrix. Creating fake wired chemtrail clouds is the other effort to abstract and control artificial weather. So basically it is all about control. It is also all about destruction because that will be the inevitable result. This may seem a stretch, but deep down in the human psyche is a desire to control the universe. There is a jealousy, an envy, and a anger at the Creation. The big question is LIFE. Since we can’t create life, we foolishly believe we can mock it.

  18. Look up.We already know it is happening in real time.Not experimental computer time.Call out this Mad Scientist and the others at other colleges.Its time to protest at Air Force Bases, college campuses, Government Agencies etc.

  19. I have often postulated in my mind that our intelligence is actually the result of a virus mutating our genetic code and as byproduct of manipulation- intelligence. Think about it, we behave like viruses. If this is the case chances are very slim that mankind can live in harmony with the Earth because his intelligence is patterned after a virus. Viruses consume until they destroy their host.

  20. Boy it would be nice if the United States made a resolution to clean up that Texas sized island of plastic trash floating in the Pacific. That would make me proud or at least a little more proud to be American again.

  21. It’s all about Money and Greed. I think it will take millions of super wealthy respectul humans on this planet to change anything. I believe that there are billions of people on this planet that would do anything to save our amazing & beautiful planet Earth.

    Ugh…then we have leaders of countries who can’t play nice in the sandbox.
    It’s a hopeless situation.

    I’m sure there are Billions of people who sincerely care and appreciate everything this planet has offered us. Animals, fish, trees, plants, mountains, prairies, water, air etc. and most of all our children.

    It’s sad to think of what mankind is doing especially when we are the smartest on the Food Chain.

    My Question is….if you stop Bioengineering and Chemtrails what would happen?

  22. the plant and world economy are both crashing at same time ,,,??? how can one make a fix of that ??? wish i had answer, maybe its time to pray even if you dont like me…… we are one, and we are in this as one together …. we might not have a fix and have to face what will happen soon together, no money no power, no race , but as one we will all be in it together till ……?

  23. Dane, I think the source article is another attempt to dupe the public –
    Kenneth Eade states:
    “Although these “experiments,” such as cloud brightening or artificial volcanoes, are mostly taking place with computer modeling, there are a growing number of conspiracy theorists who say that geo-engineering is already occurring and on a grand scale.”

    We know better. It’s present in real time (and past), not just modeling.

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Geoengineering Assault Update 3/15/13

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Why High Bypass Turbofan Jet Engines Are Almost Incapable Of Producing Condensation Trails

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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 18, 2017

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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 27, 2021, #329

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6/23/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

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Geoengineering Watch: Our Most Comprehensive Climate Engineering Presentation

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