Recent U.S. snowstorms found to contain elements of entomological warfare being conducted on American populace
The U.S. is now a designated military testing ground for real-time biological and entomological warfare applications using Americans as test subjects under public law 105-85 By Shepard Ambellas
Silence before the Storm
Here’s an analogy to describe the precarious situation we’re in. When heat is added to water at boiling point (100°C or 212°F), vapor will appear at the surface, while bubbles of gas are formed throughout the water, but the water’s temperature will not rise. All added energy is absorbed in the water, transforming it from a liquid to a gas. This is illustrated by the image below, adapted from
Chasing Water
“The Colorado River no longer reaches the sea, though much of the water is simply stolen for human activities, the disruption to the hydrological cycle inflicted by climate engineering must also be considered. I spent much of my childhood in the lush and thriving Colorado River delta in Mexico, sadly, now it has turned to barren desert.”