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New Jersey Health Dept Official Pens Personal Letter To Health Commissioner About Geoengineering

My name is Gary Attalla from New Jersey. I work for the State Health Department for 36  years as an Environmental Health Specialist with a broad background in food safety and microbiology, water, pollutions, regulated medical waste, health care facilities and other issues. I graduated from Rutgers University with a science degree and was premed, though i never went to medical school. I am pursuing this issue as a private citizen, which allows for me to be more cavalier, much more. Around January 2013, all at once I began to notice  chem trails. It happened in an instant, if not less. Then I began to observe day in, day out ,the relentless spraying. I drive all over the state of NJ. Here is what I have noticed. At any given moment there are dozens of planes in the sky, criss crossing, going back and forth, parallel lines, half circles etc..with the pencil line trails, eventually fanning out to form, for lack of a better word; "clouds". The sky then becomes milky white that i call  2%, really, and many times a strange iridescent purple. After observing for some time, i began to be able to immediately identify the plumes (that's it, we'll call them plumes) even if i did not see the actual planes. Then I came across a movie on You Tube called "What in The World Are They Spraying" on you tube, which  eventually led me to Dane Wigington. I came to an independent conclusion (factoring in my background in public health and many days of research), that this is the most pressing issue facing us all. This information was passed on to my brother Mark, who lives 60 miles north of me. The exact same spraying is going on where he lives.  There are many pressing issues; hydro-fracking, vaccines with mercury, beef production, yes beef production, genetically modified organisms, banking scandals, deforestation and so many more. Breathing in toxic aluminum oxide, strontium, barium, silver iodide, mercury and other mystery chemicals (because testing can't be done for everything) is the most pressing. And when it rains, the soil and food supply soak up these chemicals. So when you thing your eating organic, you are not. Because this is going on worldwide and heavy in the USA, the chemicals travel with the trade winds,  gulf stream and other winds, and can/do travel thousands of miles. So nobody is safe, not even the rich and famous. After speaking to Dane many times and having my brother Mark visit with him for 4 days, we have complete confidence with this brilliant, nice, persistent man. If you don't have persistence, it matters not how brilliant.  I'd like to think that the chemical spraying of citizens is vitamin C and E,  but it isn't. In truth it is fumigation. We are being fumigated. Nice word huhhh. Our oxygen is slowly being replaced by the above chemicals. Aluminum is a  highly toxic substance. Most people don't even cook with aluminum pots anymore. Remember, we are doing far worse breathing in these nanoparticles than cooking with them. And that is only the aluminum. If American Idol and Dancing with the Stars moves you more than this, then we really do have a problem.  To think that we have no power over this would be THE biggest mistake. Though I do work for the Department of Health, I have chosen to contact the Commissioner of Health (my ultimate Boss) as a private citizen, thru email. I do this on my own time and on my own computer (vs my work computer). I feel that this gives me more leeway to fight, and also to bring other people into the arena. I don't have to go thru all the layers of management and the constraints of my job, which in itself is a tough balancing act. My job has been very good to me over my 36 years. I have no idea what response i will get.  My main hurdle is to convince people that there is a serious problem, and this won't be easy. Jersey also has a Department of Environmental Protection (aka DEP). I plan to contact them too. And since they are not my employer, I can be a little more daring. Gary Attalla


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