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Chemtrails Raining Poison from the Sky

The Durango Herald’s March 2 and 5 contrail articles not only misidentified the trail, but reveals how the government denies its convert operations.

Mother Nature Becoming More Irritated As Even Geoengineering Scientists Admit They Might Be Making Things Worse…But They’ll Keep Doing It, Anyway

It’s been quite a strange couple of years for the inhabitants of planet earth. In just 3 years, we’ve had earthquakes that shifted our planet a few feet off of its’ axis and sped up its’ rotation, flooding and drought in intervals that has weakened economies around the world (from Australia, to the U.S., to even Europe), monstrous tornadoes and hurricanes never seen before, and more. In just the last few days, Israel and Egypt have been hit with plagues of locusts, booming noises and mass animal deaths are continuing, and NASA is saying to “pray” if another comet/asteroid big enough heads our way…so what does it all mean?


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